Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Still motivated

I woke up a half hour later then I wanted to. I expected to do that last night at 11:45 when I couldn't fall asleep, but I was still annoyed. Not only annoyed that I had subconsciously hit the snooze twice before I consciously hit it, but annoyed that I was SO tired. Nevertheless I got up had a shower, drank some coffee and still was only 5 minutes late. 

I enjoy sleeping very much! BUT I hate the amount of time that I use to do it. I would give my left arm to be a person who can sleep 6 hours every night and be fully functional. Yesterday I was helping my minister friend prepare for his class and while he was talking to me I started snoring. Literally, fell asleep on his couch, in his office, mid-conversation. I wasn't completely my fault: His couch is very comfy and his office was at least 10 degrees warmer then it needed to be. Still, last night when I was finally in my bed, I couldn't fall asleep. Luckily neither could my wife so we were able to talk a little before finally saying goodnight.

My Friends, today is a new day! 
...and I am still tired.
BUT I HAVE HOPE. I have just decided that this is going to be my theme for the term...
Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope
fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
   -- 1 Peter 1:13

and I am still motivated to get up, get my stupid homework done and finish my last year as an undergraduate strong.

As one of my favorite people in the world writes,

grace and peace.

think about it.

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